Saturday, July 18, 2009

Great Lakes - Great Lakes

Great Lakes – Great Lakes


Acquired: Love Garden, Used, 2006

Price: $5

There is one Great Lakes song that I really fucking love. It’s called “Farther,” and it is not on this record. But of course, this record is still good, or I think it is because I still have a penchant for anything with the little Elephant 6 logo on the back. This is mostly known as “the band that has the drummer from Of Montreal in it,” despite the fact that they sound most like the Apples in Stereo. For the rest of this review I just want to write NEO-PSYCH-POP over and over and over again. But I won’t, because you see that and you’re like OH this sounds like a bunch of other random bands on Elephant 6 that all sound like the Apples in Stereo (this is pry a lie, because I think they might be the only E6 band that sounds a lot like the Apples. But it’s fun, and it’s nice and I can listen to it just fine, although I am kind of wondering which record is up next because it’s getting a little old.

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