The Thermals – Fuckin' A
Sub Pop, 2004
Acquired: Love Garden, Used, 2006
Price: $5
Another straight-up batch of dirty garage punk jams from Portland's the Thermals. The production is a bit cleaner this time around, but they're still brash and bratty and fun as fuck. Just check out the goddamned anthem opener “Our Trip.” “We're taking grip/ We're talking shit/ Our slate is clean/ Say What You Mean/ It's our trip/ We're not listening,” sings Hutch Harris. Overall, I think it's their weakest album, but calling it their weakest album isn't right. It's more like my 4th favorite, or maybe 3rd, I need to see how their latest continues to grow. Honestly, the only reason it's 4th favorite is because I can count my favorite jams on one hand. Three fingers. “Our Trip,” “Remember Today,” “Let Your Earthquake, Baby,” “A Stare Like Yours,” “Top of the Earth.” These are amongst the Thermals most almighty jams. “Remember Today” just came on and I just threw my rating system out the window, because this song is so fucking perfect. The “oh fuck yes!” songs. Something about the way Hutch sings from the back of his throat to create that perfectly desperate, urgent howl. These are songs come on and you all of a sudden find your fist in the air. Or like me, where my hand is balled up at shoulder level moving like I'm hitting an invisible high-hat.
Video for "How We Know," which I somehow left off my list of album faves!
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